Nutrition Program

Welcome to our nutrition program, designed to help you achieve your health and wellness goals through personalized guidance and support.

Optimize Your Health with Our Nutrition Program

Personalized Plans for Lasting Wellness and Vitality

Introducing our new Worcester Common Fitness Nutrition Program designed to provide personalized support and guidance for your fitness and nutrition goals. 


We believe that achieving your fitness goals is not just about what you do in the gym, but also about what you put into your body. Our nutrition program is designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to make informed choices about your diet, optimize your performance, and enhance your overall well-being. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or simply improve your eating habits, our program is tailored to meet your individual needs and empower you to make sustainable and positive changes.

The program begins with a 30-minute meeting with your coach, during which you will undergo an InBody scan to measure your current information. Your coach will guide you through your results and, as you discuss your fitness and nutrition goals, will develop a game plan for the coming month. To kickstart your journey, you will receive a nutrition plan packet containing information on what to eat and when, snack ideas, recipes, water consumption, vitamins, meal prepping, and a workout schedule. With your coach, you will set small, achievable goals to start your journey and gain insight into the importance of focusing on specific foods. 

During this first month, you will have weekly check-ins with your coach via text or email to discuss your weight, ask questions, troubleshoot, and receive motivation.

To ensure your continued progress, it’s essential to schedule monthly follow-up meetings after your initial month in the program. These meetings will involve getting another InBody scan to monitor your progress, adjusting your goals, and addressing any challenges you encounter. They provide an invaluable opportunity for you and your coach to assess the results of your nutrition and fitness program, discuss any struggles or setbacks you may have, and make necessary changes to your plan. Additionally, these meetings offer ongoing support, motivation, and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your health and wellness goals. 

During the month, you will continue to have weekly check-ins with your coach to provide your weight, troubleshoot, ask questions, receive motivation, and refocus if needed. This program is designed to provide you with personalized support and guidance every step of the way. We are here to motivate, inspire, and support you throughout this transformative journey. Remember, you never have to see that number on the scale again. The choice is yours. 

The InBody scan is an important tool in your fitness and nutrition journey. It provides a comprehensive analysis of your body composition, including the percentage of body fat, muscle distribution, and water balance. This information is valuable for tracking your progress and making informed decisions about your fitness and nutrition goals. The scan helps you understand your body’s composition and can guide you in adjusting your exercise and diet plans for optimal results. The InBody scan provides tangible evidence of your progress, allowing you to see measurable results on paper. Combined with your newfound confidence and improved fitness level, these results serve as a powerful reminder of the hard work and dedication you’ve put into your health and wellness journey.  

This process starts slowly, focusing on setting small goals, celebrating small wins, and forming new habits month by month. Every step you take towards your health and wellness goals is a step towards a better, stronger, and more confident you. Stay focused, stay committed, and always believe in yourself. You have the power to make positive changes, and with the support of our program, you’re on the right path to achieving lasting success. Keep pushing forward and remember that every small victory is a significant achievement on your journey to a healthier and happier you. You’ve got this!